smart integrations for school software

smart integrations for school software

Smart integrations help you to use your school management software more efficiently. They ensure greater work productivity and lesser human effort to complete the task.

Automation in everyday tasks with the help of the latest technologies makes any work faster. Tools and software that are capable of assisting your work are necessary to keep the work productivity high without compromising the quality of work.

School management software is also a tool that reduces the workload of everyday functions and operations of your school by automating them. School admins do not have to do all the work of organizing databases manually. They do not have to spend money, time, and manpower either on tasks like school admission.

That being said, certain features of school ERP software can boost your productivity further when paired with the right integrations.
Let’s see what these integrations are and what are their benefits.

What are Smart Integrations?

Smart integrations are tools that cannot be used standalone but can improve the functionalities of the software they are integrated with.

The school ERP management software also offers different integrations that further simplify various tasks of your school. These smart integrations help with features like daily and lecture-wise attendance, fees management, transportation, and better communication.

Integrations come as an add-on to the original software. So, most of the time, you will have to purchase them separately if they are not included in your package. If you are unsure whether your package includes the smart integrations that you want, then ask your provider about it.

Which are the popular Smart Integrations for School Management Software?

Different school ERP software providers offer different integrations to aid your work with the software. However, the latest school ERPs make sure that most of the important features are included in the software itself so that a separate integration is not needed. Only the most necessary integrations that cannot be added to the school ERP software are offered by the best school management software providers.

These smart integrations are popular for their seamless workings with the school management system.

Let’s see which are the most popular smart integrations that you must add to your school management software.

WhatsApp Integration

WhatsApp integration is a smart feature that you can add to your school ERP software. It allows you to communicate with the school teachers, parents, and other stakeholders easily.

In today’s world, more than 2 billion people use WhatsApp. Because of that, it has become easier for people to connect using their smartphones. Moreover, WhatsApp allows you to send different file formats along with the text.

When WhatsApp is integrated with your school management software, school admin can send and receive messages using WhatsApp. The school can send various communication to parents and staff along with important files like:

  • Student progress report
  • Fees reminder
  • Fee receipt
  • Event notification along with complementing image or video
  • Payroll details with PDF of payslip
  • Proxy notification for teachers
  • Urgent holiday announcement
  • Links to important websites
  • Study material
  • Exam details and results
  • Student Attendance report
  • Timetable
  • And much more…

School administration and staff can use it to improve interpersonal communication for better coordination between different departments.

Biometric and RFID Integration

Biometric and RFID integration works along with the attendance management feature of the school management software. It is used to automatically register the attendance of every student and teacher. With Biometric and RFID integration, school admins do not have to manage the attendance details of their employees and students manually.

Many Indian schools have biometric machines installed on their campus for teachers but the data is saved separately from other data related to teachers’ work at school. Students’ attendance is traditionally taken manually and kept in a physical register.

With the biometric and RFID integration in school management software, employees and students can register their attendance simply with their fingerprint or their RFID cards. The biometric integration requires a biometric machine whereas, the RFID cards are scanned by the RFID readers placed at the school or class entrance.

All the attendance data is stored along with the profile of each student and employee in the school ERP software. With biometric and RFID integration, the chances of human error in attendance are reduced. Schools can get more accurate data on when a student or teacher is on leave or when the student is absent.

This makes the payroll process for teachers more transparent. For students, teachers will know when the student is ditching the class so that they can inform the parents as well.

GPS Integration

GPS integration works with the transportation feature of the school ERP. It helps locate the school buses in real-time. The GPS integration in school software ensures that the school and parents know that the students are safe even during transit.

The GPS devices on every school vehicle are linked with the school ERP management software. Because of that, parents and school administration can check the live location of the bus right from their computer or smartphone app.

GPS integration along with the driver/conductor app allows school administrators to ensure that the school vehicles follow the route created by them. It also allows them to know when the bus is stuck on the road. With this information, the school admin can ask the driver to send the reason for the delay.

GPS integration increases student and employee safety while traveling to and from school.

Payment Gateway Integration

Payment gateway integration is used to simplify fees payment at the schools. It uses online payment methods like UPI, NEFT/RTGS, online wallet, net banking, credit/debit card, etc.

The fees management features of school management software allow school admin to keep a track of every student’s fee payment. The smart payment gateway integration allows parents to pay their child’s school fees on time. This way, parents can avoid late fees.

A payment gateway is a safe and secure way of paying fees. The money is transferred directly to the school’s bank account from the parent’s bank account. Because of this, the transparency between the school and parents is also increased.

Since parents can directly pay the school fees from their smartphones they do not have to carry the cash or go to the school to pay it. This increases their convenience and makes fee transactions easier to manage for the school administration.

Mobile Application Integration

To be able to manage the data and tools of school management software remotely, it offers mobile applications for teachers, parents, and school bus conductors. These smartphone applications allow them to manage their tasks from their mobiles. They do not have to use a computer.

Teachers can manage their profile, payroll, and many other things from the school management mobile application. Parent’s application for school management allows even students to attend online classes and receive homework on the smartphone. Whereas, the conductor application makes sure that the school vehicle driver and conductor are constantly in contact with the school authority and parents while en route to school or home.

These school management mobile applications provide higher accessibility to the teachers, parents, students, and school vehicle drivers.


Why are Smart Integrations Necessary in School Management Software?

Smart integrations work along with school ERP software features to make them more efficient. They provide the software users more accessibility and increased automation.

Which are the Most Popular School Management Software Integrations?

In this blog, we discussed the 5 most popular school management software integrations.
They are:

  • WhatsApp Integration
  • Biometric and RFID Integration
  • GPS Integration
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Mobile Application Integration

How can I Ensure that School ERP Software uses WhatsApp?

Check your School ERP software package details before purchasing its license. If you do not find WhatsApp integration in the list of features and modules, then ask your software provider to include it in your package as an add-on. Additional charges may be applicable for the add-on services.

Over to you…

The smart integrations make school management software more convenient for schools and parents to use. With the right integrations, you can increase the safety and security of your students as well as the finances.

That being said, the smart integrations will only work well with the robust school software. So, before deciding to purchase, try the school management software for free with the demo version and then make an informed choice.

Which smart integrations do you think are necessary for school management software? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. If you liked this blog, be sure to share it with your peers on social media.




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