5 Useful Tips from Experts in School Management Software

5 Useful Tips from Experts in School Management Software

Many schools are still hesitant to use school management software. The reasons vary from the software being too expensive to it being too technical to use for laymen. There are too many things that people are not aware of when it comes to school ERP software.

Here is the thing, schools and educational institutions that have incorporated school management software are providing better facilities to their teachers, students, employees, and the parents of their students. All of this while also steadily increasing their productivity and overall profit.

So, what makes those schools take the step towards digitizing their operations while other schools are still over the fence? We believe it is the awareness about the best school management software and how it works, makes all the difference.

In this blog, we bring our experts to shed light on some of the most useful features of school management software and tips on how it can help your school. They will also discuss some of the myths associated with school management software.

Tip #01: Save resources with the school management software

Your school uses many resources, right from manpower to finances to run your school properly. These resources take up a lot of time and effort to get things done.

School management software, on the other hand, helps the school administrator to get the same amount of work done in much lesser time and effort. You can then use the remaining time in doing other important tasks of the school.

Along with time and efforts, school management software also optimizes your valuable resources to decrease expenses. Where you needed three different people to manage different data, with school ERP software, you will only need one to operate the software. Moreover, it automatically processes and organizes the data to easily access it whenever needed.

It optimizes your time, efforts, and resources to give you higher productivity and better performance of your institution as a whole.

Myth: School management software is expensive.

Truth: With all the resources it saves and optimizes to give you better productivity, it is worth every penny you pay.

Tip #02: Communicate better with parents through WhatsApp integration

School administration needs to be in constant communication with the parents of every student. This way, parents can stay in the loop of their child’s progress. Traditionally, schools would send progress reports and other notifications to their student’s parents through a written note in the diary of the student or printed physical copy.

With school management software, you can get WhatsApp integration to send homework, schedule, exam results, payment reminders, event reminders, and so much more.

WhatsApp integration allows you to send multimedia-rich messages to the parents. This means that the school administration, as well as the teachers, can now send documents, images, videos, and audio files related to the subject of the message along with the text.

No longer will you need to waste the papers for any message, notification, or progress reports of your student. All the data you send and receive through WhatsApp will also be backed up in a secure server.

Myth: It distracts everyone from important tasks.

Truth: It reduces all the redundant work to give you time for other tasks.

Tip #03: Digitize education with smart classes

Students are seeking more flexible educational opportunities to study in their own time as well as studying in the classroom. If they miss a class, they want to make sure that they don’t miss the topic.

The traditional school does not have any way to recover missed topics other than asking other students for notes that may or may not be entirely correct.

That is why school management software offers features like smart class and video tutorial. These features allow students to attend their classes from any corner of the world with just an internet connection and a smart mobile device.

They can also access missed classes with the video tutorial directory so that they can understand the topic as better as they would in the class.

These features make sure that even if the child misses the class, he/she can never miss studies. Moreover, the student can study flexibly according to their time and without any pressure of reaching the school in time or missing a lecture.

Myth: School management software is only for the tech-savvy.

Truth: School management software is really easy to get started depending on which software you have chosen. You must go for one that is user-friendly.

Tip #04: Manage staff and students with the management feature

It is the administrator’s responsibility to make sure that all the student and staff records are managed regularly and are kept safely for future reference. The physical copies of every record tend to get affected by the surroundings and the weather. Hence, it is extremely difficult to protect and store them.

School management software automatically stores, processes, and organizes the data entered into the system. This allows easy management of large databases like that of student profiles or staff and employee profiles.

It is easy to search through the large data, retrieve a specific entry, and modify it according to the need. The student and staff management feature of school management software helps the administrator to easily manage and store huge databases without external help.

Myth: It is only for big institutions, not small or medium.

Truth: School management software can be used by any educational institution, small or large. Just choose the package that suits your budget and institution size.

Tip #05: Secure your data on the cloud-based server

Data security is a must in any educational institution. It allows you to access older records whenever needed. It protects the school from unauthorized or illegal use of data stored at the school.

However, that may not be possible if you are still using normal computer storage to gather and store confidential student, staff, and school data. Or if you are storing your data in physical copies, then the weather can easily damage them, not to mention, the cost you need to maintain them.

The cloud-based server used by the school management software keeps your files and other data safe and securely protected from most external damages. Moreover, you can retrieve the data anytime you need, modify it, and save it back to the server.

This way you reduce the chances of data loss and damage.

Myth: It is not safe.

Truth: School management software uses an intelligent cloud-based server that keeps your data safer than ever.


The school management software is one of the best and smartest ways to digitize your schools. It is cost-effective, easy to use, and it assists everyone involved in the education sphere.

A fairly risk-free way to go for it if you are using it for the first time is to get a free one-year trial version of the software. This allows you to get a feel of the school ERP software without having to pay beforehand. And if you feel like continuing with it (which we bet you will!) simply purchase a monthly or a yearly subscription.

A school management software will not only increase the work productivity of your school but also increase its value as an institution.

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