Best School ERP Software in Bihar

Best School ERP Software in Bihar
Bihar is home to some of the most reputed educational institutions in India like the Indian Institute of Technology in Patna. However, the last census (2011) shows that the state’s literacy rate is lower than the average literacy rate of India. Choosing the best school ERP software in Bihar schools is one small step towards encouraging education in the state.

The eastern state of Bihar has a rich history of religious and philosophical institutions. Places like Mithila and Gaya are places where people from all over the world come to gain religious and philosophical education.

That being said, the state with a population of 83 million people has a literacy rate of 63.82 as noted in the 2011 census. To increase it, the education department of Bihar has made different educational schemes available to the public and given an additional focus on improving the information technology sector education.

Similar to many other industries, the school ERP software will help schools to digitize the education sector. Many top-tier schools have realized this and are now in a process of or have already switched to school management software. However, if you too are thinking of implementing the school software in your educational institute, there are certain things that you must know beforehand.

Here is a list of things that you must ensure before choosing your favorite school ERP software in Bihar.

Is it up-to-date?

New advances are occurring every day in the field of education technology. Once you purchase a school ERP software, you shouldn’t feel like you are using the older version. A regularly updating software helps you stay up-to-date with the trends in the ed-tech industry. This means that your school will be able to give the best of its services to the students and parents.

Check how frequently the software is updated. Frequent updates will mean more up-to-date software. If you are unsure about it, you can contact the software provider before deciding to purchase the software.

Is it flexible?

The school management software’s flexibility is all about its ability to be used by different stakeholders of your school and whether or not it can fulfill your school’s needs.

Every school has different needs and requirements, the school management software that can fulfill all your requirements to the T is the best school ERP software in Bihar for your school.

To know that, you must realize your school’s requirements first. Ask your teachers, administration, students, and even their parents about what they expect from the school. Learn what technical requirements can enhance your school’s overall productivity.

Once you have all your requirements listed out, you can hunt for your best school management software.

Is it reliable?

By reliability, we mean both the software as well as the software provider. The students at your school expect robust services from your school. So, when choosing a school software in your state, it should also be just as secure and reliable for your staff, students, as well as their parents.

Know how long the software provider is in the ed-tech industry. To get the idea of the software, get a free trial of school ERP software and you will get to know a lot of things about it. Like whether it is user-friendly, what features it offers, does it have all the modules that your school requires, and many more.

This will help you to make an informed decision about which school management software works best for your school.

Is it secure?

The student and staff data at your school should be confidential and safe from any kind of damage. While keeping it in your computers exposes it to the risks of loss, damage, or even leak.

An online cloud-based school ERP software that encrypts your data before storing it on the server is a good solution for it. Is the school software you are choosing offers you an online deployment? How secure is it? Can it back up your data to prevent data loss?

That being said, if you are looking for offline deployment options, you should choose the provider that can easily help you switch between the two so that in the future if you decide to use the online school ERP, you do not have to start hunting for another brand.

Is it all-inclusive?

The best school ERP software in Bihar that you will find will not only help your school’s administrative department but also the teachers, non-teaching staff, students, and parents.

The aim of any school management software is to provide tools to improve the overall productivity of your school. That includes teaching, learning, administration, finance, management, transport, and all the other things that help keep the school running smoothly.

That being said, offering all the features to everyone will only confuse the users, so the school ERP software that offers multiple login profiles will help all your stakeholders manage their work more efficiently.

This means that apart from administrators, teachers, students, and parents, the school software will also help the receptionists, librarians, accountants, wardens, and even school bus drivers of your school in Bihar.

Offering every stakeholder of your school a tool to streamline and assist their work will increase their efficiency and ultimately increase your school’s profits.

How can SWEEDU School ERP Software help?

SWEEDU school management software is a complete solution to efficiently digitize your school in Bihar. It is available in all parts of India with more than 250 educational institutions currently using it.

SWEEDU comes in online and offline deployment. It is scalable, which means that it can grow along with your school. With more than 10 login profiles, it allows all the stakeholders of your school to perform their tasks faster and with greater efficiency. Moreover, it also limits access to confidential data to only authorized logins to enhance your data security along with encrypting and backing it up on the cloud server.

The best part is that with the free trial of SWEEDU School ERP Software, you can check out the software without any commitments.


The best school ERP software should be able to meet all your requirements as a school. So make sure that the school software you choose answers all the above questions satisfactorily before choosing to buy one.

You do not have to limit your search to the software physically available within Bihar. Like SWEEDU, there are many software providers that remotely offer their services and software to many schools across India.

What questions do you have when choosing the best school ERP software in Bihar schools. Tell us in the comments below. If you find this blog helpful then make sure that you share it with your friends and peers on social media.

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